Thursday, February 18, 2010

2nd Gotcha Day for Leah Rudmann!

2nd Gotcha Day for Leah Rudmann!
January 20th, 2010!

Another year has passed so quickly, and we are amazed to look back and see the changes in Leah. She's really magnified her language skills a hundred-fold since summer! She continues to get therapy in speech by Miss Cheryl and Miss Teri--Leah loves seeing them. She talks almost nonstop during certain periods of the day, and has such expression, and enthusiam. Such a difference from the reticent little baby we received.
Preschool at New Hope has been another great experience. Leah looks forward to seeing her two teachers, Mrs. Salwin & Mrs. Garrison each week. Kelly, our dog, has become a good buddie--she includes Kelly in most of her playtime at home--dresses her, feeds her, talks to her likes she's a playmate. She likes swimming lessons, tumbling class, Sunday school, and playing with neighborhood friends. After watching big sister, Anna, in creative play--she can play imaginatively with Littlest Petshops or any toys for hours. It's been a joy to see her growth, and we love her dearly.

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