Saturday, March 15, 2008

Leah catching up on the 2-year old milestones!

Leah is really making some great gains on her 2-year old milestones. Her walking, vocalizing, eating, and social skills have moved forward considerably. Her cleft palate will keep her speaking simple for now but we plan for surgeries and speech therapy this summer so stay tuned!
Leah hiding behind her bunny blanket.
Leah playing with friends.
Leah loves to share!
Leah has learned to use a spoon!


Jennifer said...

What an incredible journey you guys are on! I loved going through and reading everything and taking in every picture! I also passed this site on to my mom as I know she would love to keep up as well! Congrats, again!

Jen Austin

Melanie said...

Cathy and Dan,
Love the pictures. I can't believe it was 2 months ago that we all returned home with our little angels. Glad to read all is well!
Take care,
Melanie Hunsaker... thanks for the note and pictures - what a fun surprise!